Beautiful Artist - Virnie ismail

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Virnie Syafitri Ismail is one of the beautiful artist from Indonesia who was born in Bandung, West Java, on August 24, 1979. Ismail Virnie figure known for his sassy, sexy and teasing on Extravaganza comedy show aired by television stations Trans.

Career Virnie ismail

Virnie ismail began his career in Indonesia through a soap opera-Lobby Lobby in 1996 ago. After that, the 1996 finalists Parahyangan fathers play in several soap operas, among others, Babe, Reflecting the Moon, Fog Purple Silk, Si Toloy and Jake Gledek. But his name became famous when vernie joined Extravaganza comedy show in 2004.

In the Year 2002, Virnie ismail try starring in a movie with a star in the movie "Rembulan Di Ujung Dahan" assist senior actress, Ira Wibowo, film director Garin Nugroho. Four years later, together Virnie Anjasmara, Maya Hasan, and Djenar Maesa Ayu starred in film " Koper" on 2006. In the film director Richard Oh that, Virnie role as Sri, the wife of businessman named Waluyo Enrico Soekarno that corruption. Sri has a personality that sucks. Besides annoying, Sri fond of showing off wealth in the middle of a simple condition of the surrounding community. A year later, Virnie also tried acting for a horror movie, Lantai 13.


Personal life Virnie ismail

Although mentioned several times close to some men, the youngest of two brothers is not yet showing signs of getting married. Virnie been rumored to establish in love with Surya Saputra, even Virnie once touted as the third person in the household Aldi Bragi - Ikke Nurjanah.

Virnie which often appear alone, finally in mid-2009 he began holding his partner. His association with Indra, his girlfriend will he bring to the altar. He hopes this year he was able to step into marriage.