Foto Mesra Mayang Sari

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mayang sari
November 2005, Mayang back into game-related journalist circulating intimate photographs similar to the face and Mayang Bambang on the Internet. Roy Suryo, who was called as an expert in informatics, multimedia, and telematics, confirmed that the photos were authentic, but did not want to claim these photos are Mayang and Harry, because he could have been photograph belongs to someone whose face looks like them


Mayang becoming known since throwing Passion titled debut album in early 1990. Unfortunately, her first album was less successful in the market. A year later, Mayang re-released the album Love Good Night, and simply explode. Then following the Pinta (1992), Agenda (1993), Let Only (1994), Taste My Love (1995), Give Chance (1996), Must Night (1997), Gone Again (1998), and Kusalah Assess (1999).

Amid rumors that continue to hit private life, Mayang released the album of the 13th, Repackage (2005). The album contains 12 songs which consists of 10 old songs and two new songs. Some old songs have been left intact, some are re-arranged. While the two new songs are the creation Bebi Romeo, "Back to Love" and "Understand" by Irwan Simanjuntak. Unlike previous albums, this time he handles his own songs, aka being a producer.

Barry who has a full name Agustina Barry (born in Purwokerto, Central Java, August 23, 1971, age 39 years) is an Indonesian singer who is known by his song like "Got Tonight," and "No More". Besides singing, Mayang also have the ability nyinden or sing songs of Java. Blood art inherited from both parents. His father, Ki Dalang Purbocarito Sugito, is the mastermind while his mother, Larasatun, which has the nickname Nyi Woro Cengkir Ivory is singer. Mayang famous era of the 1990s made headlines with a scene in the 2000s because of rumored close to the son of former President Soeharto, Bambang Trihatmodjo who has been married to Halimah Agustina Kamil. Then known Mayang siri was already married with Bambang and had a daughter, Siti Khirani Hartina Trihatmodjo.